Thursday, 26 April 2012

Onwards, upwards ...

I'm glad to say that I've sorted out the Amazon problem, so you can now buy - without confusion - from Amazon or direct from me.

There are still a number of other sites claiming to be selling the book but permanently out of stock. I'll try to sort those out in due course.

The website revision is my next big task - I talked a bit about it in my reply to Gavin in the post What did go wrong?.

Reviewing the material available this morning made me realise how powerful shunts were and how easy they would be to import into any system if you and your partner are psychologically up for it. Did I give up on them too easily? No, they were not right for my partnerships, and maybe other partnerships too. But I do think they deserve a full write-up in the 'alternative' section of the website.

Another thing on the to do list is to get in touch with those Chilleans who have dropped out of the circle due to my apparent inactivity for three years!

Best wishes

Monday, 16 April 2012

What did go wrong?

Hello Chillians

As always in Alan Williams world, things go slower than expected, so I missed my self-imposed end of March deadline to get What Can Possibly Go Wrong? on the shelves.

But I am very pleased to announce that the book is now finally available for immediate shipment. You can order it online at Ralentango Books.

In a few days time I will also have updated the Chilli bidding site, and the book will also be available through Amazon (but use the Ralentango site if you want a signed copy).

Best wishes
