Friday, 18 May 2012

May it get warmer, please

Hi Chillians

The revised website is now up and running.

It meets what for me was the most pressing issue – my committment in the book to provide an up-do-date list of amendments and corrections.

It is also a reasonable if slightly terse summary of the system described in the book. There are some bits missing - most notably slam bids after the count - but it does include shunts in the Ideas section. It is also not rigorously checked for errors, so I am sure we will spot one or two of those.

There are a number of new ideas that I will be blogging about in the next few weeks. They include increasing the number of splinters, taking position more into account in overcalling, and the mysterious attitude asks.

More soon,
Best wishes

The Chilli bidding system is described and defined in the book What Can Possibly Go Wrong? and summarised on the Chilli bidding website.