As you know, Chilli has three very distinct modes of operation: neutral, disturbed and fit, each with its own set of rules. Since early Chilli, both neutral and fit auctions have also had a distinctive character and a strong sense of structure built round the milestones in their respective worlds.
In neutral auctions, passage through or over the minor relays is a significant determinant of what will happen next; and later, the suit-setters provide a definitive 'end-of-term'. Fit auctions are even more driven by structure: as you progress, you pass inexorably through splinters, value expressions and finally asks.
But disturbed auctions have never had such a clear structure or such a distinctive feel. And clear as they are, there are definite practical problems associated with the disturbed rules as they stand. Consider these sequences:
- 1
) dbl (4
); ?
- (2
) dbl (pass) ?
- 1
(pass) 1
(pass); 1
(pass) 2
(pass); ?

In sequence 2, we face the same dilemma as in all other systems: how do we distinguish between a competitive try at the three-level and a genuinely game-invitational one?
In sequence 3, we have done the damage to ourselves by disturbing the auction with 2

In thinking about these issues, sequence 2 naturally made me think 'Lebensohl' (I'm sorry, but I did warn you about the strong language at the top!) Most tournament players use some version of Lebensohl some of the time, and have some success with it. Its basics work well, distinguishing competitive hands (2NT) from invitational hands (3suit), and it would go a long way to solving some of the Chilli problem sequences.
But it does have a number of problems, both technical and psychological:
- The common-or-garden variety is demonstrably inferior to transfer versions (more dirty language ... sorry) because it cannot cope with unlimited hands
- Even the common-or-garden variety becomes prone to memory lapses once its basic function is complicated with Staymanic and guard-showing refinements
- Even more of a psychological problem is deciding and then remembering in which particular circumstances Lebensohl applies.
I have been fascinated for a long time by two-step transfers, where clubs transfers to hearts, diamonds to spades, hearts to clubs and spades to diamonds. They've been around in the fringes of bridge theory under many names, but partner Geoff came up with the natty name of shunts, an amalgam of sharps (diamonds and spades) and blunts (clubs and hearts).
Apart from putting majors first - very Chilli - shunts have the big advantage that you can break them in one of two ways; either below or above the anchor suit, and you can use this to express the different reasons why you broke.
Let's look how this will work. After 1NT (2

- 2NT is weak. Opener puppets to 3
and responder passes or names the final contract.
- 3
is a natural shunt to hearts with at least invitational values. Opener can:
- complete the shunt to show a minimum hand with no great fit, after which responder can pass; any other continuation is forcing to game with normal disturbed rules
- under-break with 3
to show heart support and make the auction fit
- over-break with any other continuation, which is forcing to game with normal disturbed rules
- 3
is a cue shunt to spades with at least invitational values and inviting 3NT with spade stop. Opener can:
- complete the shunt to show a minimum hand with no spade stop
- under-break with 3
to show a maximum hand with no spade stop and nothing sensible to say
- over-break with any other hand with no spade stop, which is forcing to game with normal disturbed rules
- 3
and 3
are natural shunts, with continuations similar to 3
I deliberately used a sequence that is by far the most common use of some sort of Lebensohl device. You can probably see that I can introduce into this scheme the same sort of Staymanic/guard jiggery-pokery of ordinary Lebensohl e.g. 2NT followed by 3NT could deny a guard (or show one, depending on what partner's name is). But I'm not going there for two reasons: one, it's confusing (to me and many of my partners, anyway) and two...
This is where we get back to basic Chilliosity. At the heart of the system is our belief in big universal rules. So let's have one here: let's play weak 2NT and shunts in all disturbed auctions where the bidding is currently below 2NT.
This then is the big new idea that Geoff, Peter and I have been trying out over the last few weeks with great success. Let's see how it helps on those original three problem sequences.
After 1

(And pre-emption is the other reason you shouldn't mess with 2NT: if it always means weak, there is less ambiguity at high levels.)
After (2

After 1

There's one type of shunt we haven't yet met. After 1

It's probably time to stop this very long post. We haven't even begun to understand the full subtleties of this change, and maybe we have yet to discover its big flaw. But it's been great fun playing it, and it feels like it's always been part of Chilli. No longer need disturbed auctions play Cinderella.
Alan Williams
December 2008
The Chilli bidding system is described and defined at